
Thank you, Tulane New Wave!

It’s of a tremendous honor that my blog is mentioned on the Insider and Tulane New Wave on Apr 25. What surprised me more is that Alicia Jasmin (wow……what a lovely name!), the campus journalist, wrote such a long piece about me and my blog. So here is special thanks to you, Alicia! I am a Tulane “celebrity” now! ^_^

I particularly want to thank Fran Simon as well. She writes for Tulane New Wave and was the one who responded when I first contacted Wave for my idea about this blog. At the beginning I was hesitant about taking on such a big task. But when she wrote to me with enthusiasm about the idea, I decided to give it a try. Guess this blog wouldn’t have existed without her. Thank you, Fran, for the big support!

Even though the blog is targeting Chinese audience, everyone is welcome to come visit, whether you understand Chinese or not. I look forward to seeing more visitors and more interactions in the future. Again, thank you all very much, especially Tulane!

很高興杜藍新浪在0425特別提到我的部落格,標題「中國味的新浪」,真是受寵若驚呀! 雖然這篇應該是不會吸引到杜蘭的學生或教職員來看部落格(畢竟,大多數人不會中文),但我應該也算是躋身成為學校名人了吧! (暗爽中……)

對於部落格能催成,和這篇新聞的出現,我要提到兩位小姐。新聞是由杜蘭大學校園部落格「內幕人士(Insider,暫譯)」寫手Alicia Jasmin執筆(Jasmin的中文是茉莉花,好美麗的名字),篇幅寫得還挺長的。而先前和杜蘭新浪提到翻譯校園新聞的想法時,回覆的就是校園記者Fran Simon。當時對於第一次搞部落格就想挑戰這麼艱鉅的任務,心中其實是很猶豫害怕,但Fran熱情的支持讓我下定決心放手一搏。所以在此要特別表達對母校的懷念,謝謝AliciaFran對我的賞識和成全,感激不盡!


